Remember I had a problem with CFMail running all the parameters together in
the email it was sending me? Look at this...

I created a new script and it sent this email to me:
        Something is wrong. 02-Dec-00 05:45 PM

The site URL, date and time are all supposed to be on different lines. But I
noticed the one line I typed was actually on its own line. So, in my script
I typed a period after each parameter and had it send another email. This is
what I received:
        Something is wrong.
        05:47 PM.

Everything is on its own line! So, when CF processes the script and there
are two CF-generated things together with only whitespace between, it
ignores carriage returns and such?

Is this how CFMAIL is supposed to work?

 Jay Jennings
 Crazy Canines, LLC.
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


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