At 07:34 PM 12/2/00 -0500, you wrote:
>         Anyone know of some websites that have some nice looking web 
> templates I
>can snag. Need to design a site and I am none too good at the graphics

Oops. You're not supposed to "snag" the design-- you're supposed to be 
"inspired by it." Anything more can get you in legal trouble, you know.

You might want to hire a design contractor. Depending on the purpose of the 
site, the design can be somewhat tricky. Go to some sites with a similar 
purpose and try to figure out why they are designed that way as opposed to 
just figuring out how they are designed.

"Plagiarize! Plagiarize! Plagiarize! Only be sure to always call it please 
'Research.'" The Great Lobachevsky (as portrayed by Tom Lehrer)

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