the return variable has to match whatever it is you want to return.  in
*this* case, it's the query.
let's say you just wanted to return a recordcount... then the return
variable wouldn't match the query name.  it'd match a variable name:

<cffunction name="getNumberOfUsers" output="false" returntype="numeric">

     <cfset var myQuery = "" />
     <cfset var howMany = "" />

     <cfquery name="myQuery" datasource="#application.dsn#">
          SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar = 1

     <cfset howMany = myQuery.recordcount />

     <cfreturn myQuery.recordcount />

for what it's worth, the function above doesn't need the 'howMany' variable.
 you can simply <cfreturn myQuery.recordcount />.  just trying to illustrate
the use of variable names for you.

also (and this might have been said already), in the interest of keeping the
CFC black-boxed... the datasource name should be passed in (as opposed to
referencing the application scope from within the CFC).

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 9:07 AM, Rick Faircloth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> but, but, but... I thought I saw CFC examples where the cfreturn variable
> didn't match the query name.   (It didn't make much sense, but then, again,
> not a lot of the CFC "stuff" does, right now)
> The change made it work, however.
> Now I know.  The cfreturn variable has to match the query name.
> Live and learn...
> Rick
> Charlie Griefer wrote:
> > the problem isn't the empty query.  an empty query is still a query.  the
> > problem is you're returning "featured_products" but your query is named
> > "get_featured_products".  you're returning an empty variable.
> > change this line:
> >
> > <cfset var featured_products = "" />
> >
> > to:
> >
> > <cfset var get_featured_products = "" />
> >
> > then change your <cfreturn />  to return get_featured_products.
> >
> > On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 8:51 AM, Rick Faircloth <
> >
> >
> >

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