There are three types of binds that a LDAP server can be configured for:

1. anonymous - the tree is world readable, so no credentials are checked,
and your search has all of the rights granted to "anonymous"
2. user bind - the user authenticates against the tree, and has rights
granted based upon the users rights. (no anonymous reads usually).
3. unauthenticated - anonymous binding with user dn, but no password.

1 and 2 are the most prevalent. I don't have as much experience with Active
Directory, so they may have extended these possibilities.


On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 8:38 AM, Dawson, Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> It depends on your LDAP server.  It appears that you are not using
> Active Directory due to the way you have handled your start and username
> attributes.  AD allows any domain user to query the directory.
> Other servers, such as Novell DS, may require you to first query the
> directory for the DN of the user who is trying to authenticate.  This
> first query will require a known username and password.
> Then, the second query will take the first query's DN and use it as the
> username.  If all works, then, the user is authenticated.
> However, I have worked with a Novell server that doesn't require a
> username/password at all.  From what I am told, this is common for
> Novell servers.
> There are a couple of improvements I would suggest.
> 1. As Shannon said, for the START, you can specify the root of the users
> container, rather than the DN of the user object.  If you are told to
> specify the DN in the START, then change your SCOPE to BASE.  There is
> no SUBTREE for a single object.  Therefore, there is no need to ask the
> LDAP server to search through sub-OUs when you just told it the exact
> destination.  It doesn't hurt, but it's confusing when reading the code.
> 2. While authenticating, you can also bring out other attributes such as
> givenName, sn, mail, etc.  Currently, you are returning only cn.  You
> may need other attributes within your application, so why not
> authenticate, and get their values, in a single request?
> 3. You don't need the <cfelse> part of your condition.  You already know
> the UserIsValid variable is 0.
> Mike
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marie Taylore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2008 4:01 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Proper Authentication with CFLDAP?
> I just received this code as the "proper" way to "bind" someone during
> an LDAP login to a ColdFusion App.  Is this really the right way?
> <cfset UserIsValid = 0>
>    <cfldap action="QUERY"
>        name="Authenticate"
>        start="uid=#username#,ou=#OurOU#,dc=#OurDC#,dc=#OurDC2#"
>        attributes="cn"
>        scope="SUBTREE"
>        server="#OurServer#"
>        username="uid=#username#,ou=#OurOU#,dc=#OurDC#,dc=#OurDC2#"
>        password="#password#">
>    <cfif Authenticate.RecordCount GT 0>
>        <cfset UserIsValid = 1>
>    <cfelse>
>        <cfset UserIsValid = 0>
>    </cfif>
>    <cfcatch type="Any">
>        <cfset UserIsValid = 0>
>        <!--- DEBUG CODE HERE --->
>    </cfcatch>
> </CFTRY>
> <cfif UserIsValid EQ 0>
>    Sorry, login failed.
>    <cfabort>
> </cfif>
> If they pass the CFABORT above, they're "authenticated" to your app.

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