Speaking of the advisory committee, I heard a rumor once (don't remember
where) that there was going to be a web site that would help the
community stay up on the progress of this committee. Any news on that so

How about overall progress of the committee in general? What's the
committee been up to lately?

Warm regards,
Jordan Michaels
Vivio Technologies
Open BlueDragon Steering Committee
Adobe Solution Provider

Judah McAuley wrote:
> In the future, differences between projects are likely to be smaller
> due to the creation of the CFML Advisory Committee.
> http://corfield.org/blog/index.cfm/do/blog.entry/entry/CFML_Advisory_Committee
> Hopefully it will delineate a "core" set of features/functions and
> allow for more widely interoperability between CF engines.
> Judah
> On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 5:24 PM, Don L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Just ran a search for it and found two, of which one is well-known, that is, 
>> BlueDragon, the other contender is "Smith", did a quick browse of features 
>> respectively, and noticed that some of 'hot-cake' CF8 features like 
>> cfajaxproxy and associated tags are not supported by neither of them (on 
>> these features, one IT vet even suggested that he/she would for CF platform 
>> just for that! hear that).  Am thinking totally loud here, why not combine 
>> resources to come up with some leading edge stuff, instead of being a 
>> follower (non-critical of neither products, just a comment)?

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