If I understand the question... Some thing like this?


It uses Evaluate for which I have been scolded for... but performance wise
there is very little difference between evaluating the string and calling
the methods directly



On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 5:39 PM, Andy Matthews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Got the answer from a coworker, which is to put parens on the varname like
> so:
> <cfdump var="#result()#">
> -----------------------------------
> I've got a CFC which I'd like to use dynamically. Pass in a string, and
> call a method with the same name as the string being passed in. I've almost
> got it working with this line:
> <cfset var result = VARIABLES['method' & ARGUMENTS.method]>
> But rather than get the result of the method, I'm getting the method itself
> as a variable. I can accomplish this using cfinvoke, but I'd rather use
> CreateObject as I think it's a little more elegant. Can anyone suggest a way
> I can get the result of the method using CreateObject?
> <!--- the calling template --->
> <cfset cfc = CreateObject('component','dynamicMethods')>
> <cfset get = cfc.callMethod()>
> <!--- the CFC --->
> <cfcomponent displayname="dynamic methods" hint="dynamic method testing">
>        <cffunction name="Init" output="false" access="public"
> returntype="dynamicMethods">
>                <cfreturn THIS>
>        </cffunction>
>        <cffunction name="callMethod" output="false" access="public"
> returntype="void">
>                <cfargument name="method" required="false" type="string"
> default="One">
>                <cfset var result = VARIABLES['method' & ARGUMENTS.method]>
>                <!--- <cfinvoke component="#THIS#"
> method="method#ARGUMENTS.method#" returnvariable="result" /> --->
>                <cfdump var="#result#">
>                <cfabort>
>        </cffunction>
>        <cffunction name="methodOne" output="false" access="public"
> returntype="string">
>                <cfreturn 'methodOne method call'>
>        </cffunction>
> </cfcomponent>

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