
I have started to work in JasperReports, can you shoot me an email at your 
convenience? I have some questions about the set up for CF and JR to work 
together nicely.

Email is first letter first name and full last name at gmail (stupid spam bots).

Mike Greider

>JasperReports is built right into coldfusion.
>You can create a jasperreport JRXML file using iReport, and use
>createObject to run the report, etc.
>I don't do it any more because report generation takes such a toll on
>the server, and it's just waaaaaay better to have report stuff running
>on a separate server, pulling from a replication database.  So now I
>use JasperServer, and it's KICK ASS!
>For anyone doing a lot of reporting, I'd recommend it.  Simply the best!
>But if you're "stuck" with pure CF, and need to do those common
>reporting things that are just impossible with reportbuilder, then
>createObject and jasperrepoerts might be the way to go, because you
>can build the reports with iReport, which is a STELLAR report-builder
>(cross platform y todo).
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>    Niccolo Machiavelli

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