Do it all in one query:

SELECT p.product_name, 
SELECT (z.au_basic + (z.au_costpk * p.weight))
FROM au_zones z INNER JOIN
postCodes c ON z.au_zone_id = c.pc_zone_id
WHERE c.postcode = <cfqueryparam= cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" 
) AS deliveryCost
FROM products p
WHERE p.productid IN ( <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" 
value="#form.productIDList#" list="Yes"> )

<cfoutput query="queryName">
#product_name# [#weight# lbs]: $#deliveryCost# to ship

That will give you a line for every selected product, with the name, weight, 
and deliveryCost all computed in one query.
> I am trying to create a postal code and delivery cost app for my 
> company,
> I have set the tables up as 
> tbl name au_zones: au_zone_id, au_zone(postal zone), au_basic(min 
> cost), au_costpk(cost per kilo)
> tbl name postCodes: post_code_id, postcode(postal code), 
> pc_zoneid(link to au-zones)
> tbl name products: productid, product_name, weight.
> The calculation will come from postcode to zone 
> >>au_basic+(au_costpk*product_weight)
> The user will use a form with a text box for post code and a select 
> box for products (multiples should be allowed).
> When the user fills out and submits the form my products query will 
> have 1 or multiple records, so i relise i will have to loop throught 
> the query to get
> the individual product weights. This is where my knowledge needs 
> enlightening, how do i loop throught the query and and reference the 
> weight against the
> au_costpk field from for every product found, and then display it to 
> the screen. Would i be on the right track using below?
> <cfloop query="qryName">
> <cfset qryName.pdname  =  (qryname.weight*otherqryname.
> au_costpk)+otherqryname.au_basic>
> </cfloop>
> Any ideas?
> Thanks 

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