I'm having a hard time with some string manipulation with DOS for the last half 
an hour or so including googling to no avail.

Here's the deal.
DOS/Window batch process does not like white space, hence, I need to replace 
the following directories that including white space with quotes prefix and 
sufix.  So,
Documents and Settings would be replaced with "Documents and Settings" etc.

REM %appdata% maybe = C:\Documents and Settings\aUser\Application Data\
REM Here's the problem area, I don't see anything wrong below
REM however, it's not working
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4" delims=\" %%a in ("%appdata%") do set a=%%a&set 
b=%%b&set c=%%c&set d=%%d
set a = "%a%"
set b = "%b%"
echo %a% 
REM expect to see "C:" for var a
echo %b%
REM expect to see "Documents and Settings" for var b

Anyone?  Thanks.

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