
Not sure if it's a bug or if it's by design - maybe session replication and JWS 
doesn't work together and cannot work together.

I've tried this on 2 separate setups
Both with 2 physical servers and 2 jrun instances on each, 2 network cards. No 
probles with the clustering itself, it all happens with JWS and session 
replication enabled at the same time.

As soon as I enable session replication in the cluster the logs goes "bananas" 
with "setup of session replication failed".

I've filed a bug report.

I'll keep looking, and if anyone have experienced this and found a way out I 
would be grateful for suggestions.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 7. november 2008 19:30
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Access individual instances in a cluster without JWS?

> I should have mentioned that we have about 150 websites (running the same app 
> code) on > the server. And we add new sites every week..
> So I dismissed that option without investigating it a lot, recreating the 
> cluster every few
> days doesn't look like fun. So therefore we use the "all virtual servers" 
> option.
> Any other options?
> Is this a bug in JWS or will it stay this way "forever"?
> I cannot hope for a fix from Adobe on this?

Well, I wasn't aware of a bug in JWS that would cause this, as I've
set up clusters that used JWS to address the individual members and
IIS or Apache to address the cluster. But I don't use session
replication that much, honestly. Can you provide more information
about the bug?

Alternatively, you could configure a management interface in Apache
for each instance. You'll have to do that by hand, though - the
wsconfig tool only gets you so far with Apache.

Ultimately, you'll have to contact Adobe about a fix; I have no inside
information or access to their bugbase, etc.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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