
I've got the following code in an included file:

<cfset REQUEST.userAuthenticated = false>
        <cfif isDefined("CFLOGIN")>
                <cfif CFLOGIN.name eq 'loginfoo' and CFLOGIN.password eq 
                        <cfset REQUEST.userAuthenticated = true>
<div class="someclass">
<cfif Not REQUEST.userAuthenticated>
        <cfheader statuscode="401">
        <cfheader name="WWW-Authenticate" value="Basic realm=""Bitte 
Zugangsdaten für den Bereich eingeben:""">
        <div class="subtitel">F&uuml;r diesen Bereich ben&ouml;tigst Du 
spezielle Zugangsdaten.</div>
        <div class="subtitel">Dein Login war erfolgreich!</div>

The site itself is in UTF-8; the include is stored as UTF-8 with BOM. The 
special char in the password 'fürdich' is correctly encoded as UTF-8. 
Authentication fails however, the auth-popup is being displayed again and 
again. The very same thing did work with ColdFusion MX 6.1.

For authentication to work with ColdFusion 8 when the password includes this 
special char, we have to save the include file in ISO-8859-1 encoding. This 
leads to another problem, though: The 'ü'-character in the "Basic 
realm"-message is not displayed correctly, there's a ý-character being 
displayed instead. On the upside, the user can actually log in successfully 
after entering the password with the umlaut.

Any ideas on what's going wrong here?

Kind regards


Computec Media AG
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Vorstandsmitglieder: Johannes S. Gözalan (Vorsitzender) und Rainer Rosenbusch
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Jürg Marquard 
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer: DE 812 575 276

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