Thanks in advance for any advice anyone can give. I'm having a very odd problem 
where, after running for a period of time, all  for loops in CFScript break. 
What I have is the following very, very simple sample code below:

<cfset test = ["test1","test2"]>
for(awesomevariable=1; awesomevariable LT (ArrayLen(test)); awesomevariable = 
awesomevariable+1) {

Under normal circumstances (and using an empty application.cfc), this will 
print "test1test2" to the browser. However after a period of time or possibly 
load this exact code will start throwing the error "The element at position 3 
of dimension 1, of array variable "TEST," cannot be found". The server will 
continue throwing this error until I restart jBoss. I have two CF 8.0.1 
Enterprise servers running on 64-bit JRockit R27.5.0 on jBoss 4.2.3. This 
problem eventually happens on both servers. It's driving me crazy as it takes a 
bit of load on the server before the problem manifests itself. Further more 
this only happens with a for loop inside of a cfscript, this does NOT happen 
inside of a cfloop! It seems the cfscript for loop can't count, as it attempts 
to access the 3rd position in a 2 position array.

When the problem does finally crop up it eventually breaks my application (for 
example we use on a number of pages). What's 
makes this even more of a mystery is that I'm running all of this EXACT same 
code on my current production servers which are configured the same with the 
exception of being 32 bit machines. These servers sit under heavy load all day 
with no issue.  

Has anyone seen anything like this before? We are using the 64 bit Coldfusion 8 
(it sure would be nice if you could confirm this in CFIDE by the way). The JVM 
has a ton of free memory left in the heap, and I've seen the heap get much 
larger without causing this issue.

Does this seem like a CF bug to anyone else? Is anyone else using 64 bit 
ColdFusion? I'm not really sure if 64 bit is the culprit, but it's really my 
only variable in comparison to my production servers. 

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