I guess mike moved this already... sorry
we all know whom it's for.

> I'm the first to admit that sometimes(ok most times) I just ain't 
> right......
> But dude, I swear that crack you are smoking is laced with draino!!
> What's the point? Or what are you going to do with a "light" version?
> If Adobe makes a light version then people will bitch because it 
> doesn't have all the bells and whistles of the full version. And of 
> course you will want it for free which of course Adobe can do because 
> they don't actually pay their employees they just give them a tootsie 
> pop and a "good job" slap upon the ass (Sean quit smiling!).
> Why does this weigh so upon your chest? Are you jealous that we don't 
> have a cf light since of course there is php light & .net light & ruby 
> on light, etc.... and we are being left out, must be a conspiracy(of 
> course led by friggin M$).
> You don't have to use Adobe's version which I know is sometimes hard 
> because you want to use the real deal but Railo is looking pretty 
> sweet & I am either buying cf9 for my apple serve that I haven't used 
> yet or putting Railo on it and I am a die hard adobe cf guy but hey if 
> Railo does the job.....
> Now with Railo & openBD there is absolutely really no real plausible 
> reason for a cf light.
> If you have to have cf light then I will send you a flashlight with a 
> Ben sticker on it.
> I see only 2 real reasons for a light version:
> 1. To expect it to be free 
> 2. For portability 
> And we basically already have both now.
> "I'm not too sure the motivation is strong  enough to push that worthy 
> effort forward speedily."
> What worthy effort? If you haven't seen or noticed the "worthy effort 
> & motivation" that Railo is generating then you need to check it out. 
> Ummm actually on second thought no you don't, actually you should go 
> check out php lol.
> And Charlie.. Will said he's gunna jack you up!
> > I resisted the attemptation of voicing my opinion on the current CF 
> > but I feel probably it's sensible to get it out of my chest.  Came 
> > cross a thread either on digg or reddit about a week ago asking 
> Adobe 
> > to "Lose Weight" on CF and the like.  Today I ran into the following 
> > URL, http://www.rebol.com/article/0381.html, I concur with the 
> > author's key point, that is, a lot of times, less is more.  Having 
> > said that, I should say I can understand Adobe's rationale for 
> making 
> > CF so BIG, in the meantime, I would venture to say, making a light 
> > version CF shouldn't take a lot of effort considering the fact that 
> > Source Code is ALREADY there.  Yes, I'm aware of the existence of CF 
> > open source effort, however, I'm not too sure the motivation is 
> strong 
> > enough to push that worthy effort forward speedily.
> > 
> > Thanks.
> > 
> > Don
> > Chunshen Li 

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