I have not looked at this code in forever. It may destroy you
complete, steal your candy, and kill your new little puppy by backing
over it with it's hot rod car.

That being said, if it works, you better visit my wishlist or I'll
guilt you for eternity.

Seems to include JUST read stuff, which makes sense due to the fact
that RIAForge's main SVN stuff was viewing/getting history/etc.

On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 7:10 PM, denstar <> wrote:
> I wrote one too!  Great minds..., right?  RIGHT?  :-)
> About the only cool thing with mine is that it works over https
> (svnkit has a funky deal with the https, where code that works for the
> other protocols won't work for https-- unless you add stuff in a
> certain order, or use an internal helper (I did the former, since I
> didn't find out about the helper 'till after)).
> I can share the code, but even after a few refactors it's still
> pretty, um, dirty.
> Probably only really good for finding out how to do some stuff...
> well, and there is the fckeditor connector, that replaces the fck
> "browse server" with a SVN repo browser.  And you can use fck to edit
> files in the repo, if they're text-based.  And there are some dojo UI
> whatnots.  That stuff is pretty cool, I guess.  :)p
> Ray, if your issue was with creating files/directories over https,
> I've got the solution for you (or a couple, actually ;]).
> I wrote it as an MG Gesture "actionpack", so one would need MG3 if one
> wanted to try it as-is, and I haven't really shared it with others,
> so... well, it might not "just work" out of the box.
> But what the hell, if anyone wants to see what I wrote, I can delete
> some of  (a huge swath of) the "left-over" code and post a link to the
> source.  I think the "meat" is in, like, two CFCs.
> It's not really all that and a bag of chips, but it's getting there.
> Eventually it will be some project somewhere, actually worthy of
> sharing.  It ain't there yet tho.  Really only of interest to people
> messing with svnkit, for like, informational purposes, or whatever.
> Um, yeah, basically, just hit me up if you have problems creating
> files/directories over https, in retrospect. =]
> :Denny
> --
> Ideas are refined and multiplied in the commerce of minds. In their
> splendor, images effect a very simple communion of souls.
> Gaston Bachelard
> On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 3:03 PM, Raymond Camden wrote:
>> Same here. I wrote a CFC wrapper for it intending to use it for
>> RIAForge, but ran into an issue. So it's flawed, but it's something,
>> and I can post it if you want it.
>> On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 11:18 PM, ronnie otts wrote:
>>>> Has anyone used the SVNkit ( and can advise me how
>>>> to interface ColdFusion (to obtain log messages from Subversion)?

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