Yeah.. I realized that I was the only one that has already listened to 
the entire song catalog.  But like you said, for most people that won't 
be the case and I will make my "mark all listened" link only mark the 
songs listed on the page, not the entire catalog.


Barney Boisvert wrote:
> Databases are good at storing data.  With proper indexing, a few  
> million rows is nothing.  I'd store tracks listened to.  Make the  
> model simpler, speed user creation, and odds are most people are going  
> to listen to less than 25K distinct songs so it'll require less rows  
> too.
> ---
> Barney Boisvert
> On Jan 12, 2009, at 11:37 PM, Mike Soultanian <>  
> wrote:
>> Hey Everyone,
>> I have a project and I'm trying to figure out the best way to go about
>> it.  What I want to do is keep track of what songs a user has listened
>> to and what songs they haven't.  The first thing that comes to mind  
>> is a
>> table with song IDs and a table with user IDs and a join table between
>> the two that keeps track of what song a user has listened to.  With
>> 50,000 songs, that could be a lot of records in the join table.  Is
>> there a more efficient way to tackle this kind of problem?  I don't
>> think I'll have that many users, but even if I had ten users, that  
>> table
>> could be pretty big.
>> I'm trying to think if there are any tricks such as whether to store  
>> if
>> a user has listened to a track or store if they haven't.  I plan to  
>> have
>> a button called "mark all as listened", which could empty the join  
>> table
>> of any records pertaining to that user if I was storing the tracks  
>> they
>> didn't listen to.  So the join table would initially start out very
>> large for a user and then drop down... that's just one thought I had.
>> If anyone has any tricks, I'd appreciate your advise!
>> Thanks,
>> Mike

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