In general, you want to make sure you are using an Adobe-approved JVM
for that version of CF.  
In your case, I would recommend using at least updater 10 due to the
class loader bug fixes.  (The updater, is the number immediately after
the underscore)

I personally like install the JVM I am using under my CF install/bin
directory.  That's mostly because I don't trust some automatic Windows
or Sun update to jack with it.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Optimal version of java for CF8?
From: Judah McAuley <>
Date: Fri, January 16, 2009 1:29 pm
To: cf-talk <>

I cant' seem to find the current recommendation on java version for
CF8. I just installed 8.0.1 and it is using 1.6.0_04 The machine I'm
running it on is 32-bit W2K3 and has 1.6.0_11-b03 installed (from
Sun). Any good reason to point CF8 at the machine-installed version
instead of the one included with JRun? Any good reason not to?


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