cflib has a function called "demoronize".  some rich text editors have a
special "paste from Word" button that attempt to clean up the "smart quotes"
and other crappy MS characters.
however, it's been my experience that neither these (nor any other automated
method that I've heard of) is bulletproof.

If the people cutting and pasting are in a controlled environment, you could
make an effort to get them to turn off the 'smart quotes' in Word.

Unfortunately, I don't think there's a good (easy) solution.  But give the
demoronize function a try (  Maybe it'll work
for ya.  Or maybe it'll at least work "enough".

On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 12:42 PM, Jeff F <> wrote:

> Data is cut-pasted from Word (I think), then inputted via form text area to
> database. When outputting data, some characters such as apostrophies and
> dashes display as "little squares".  I need to fix this somehow. First
> thought is to replace the characters on output, but I don't even know what
> the characters are.
> Is there a good (easy) solution for this??
> Thanks JF

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