> In my reading, I came upon an example similar to this:
> <cfset qUsers = object.getallusers()>
> <cfoutput query="qUsers">
>   ...
> </cfoutput>
> Would it be possible to do this instead:
> <cfoutput query="object.getallusers()">
>   ...
> </cfoutput>

Yes, I'm pretty sure it would work. That said, it might not work as
efficiently. With some CF tags, evaluation might occur on every loop
iteration, and so you'd call the getallusers method over and over
unnecessarily. I don't know if this would be the case with CFOUTPUT,
but you could test that.

Also, creating another variable has very little cost, especially since
queries are passed by reference. I'd probably just create the variable
and leave it at that.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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