I guess the reasons I am concered about the "rightness" of what I'm doing,
is because there ARE wrong ways of doing things and I'd like to fall into
bad practices, anaemic domain models for example. Making things easier for
yourself is one thing, I see writing good, stable and scalable code as
something else entirely?

Understood regarding CF specific OO, even in the few hours since first post
I've already figured that if I want more in depth knowledge I'm going to
have to look more at the concept rather than specific application.

Perhaps you shouldn't worry that much about "rightness". OO, like any
programming paradigm, is intended to make things easier for you. There isn't
necessarily a single "right" way of solving many problems.

Also, I wouldn't worry too much about looking for something that's
CF-specific. The vast majority of good OO resources are not CF-specific -
very often, they're not really specific to any language, although they may
use Java or Python or C# or whatever to express concepts.

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