Thanks to everyone, I got it working. For the sake of posterity, here
is what I came up with:

SELECT     a.*
FROM    appointment a INNER JOIN
       (SELECT     patient_id, MIN(appointment_date) AS appointment_date
                FROM   appointment
                GROUP BY patient_id, convert(varchar(10), appointment_date, 
101)) b
ON a.patient_id = b.patient_id
AND a.appointment_date = b.appointment_date
ORDER BY a.patient_id, a.appointment_date

Still have some testing to make sure that everything is included
properly but this seems to hit the spot.


On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 2:51 PM, Judah McAuley <> wrote:
> I like this approach. That middle query inserting into the temp table
> might be what I need for the view.
> Thanks,
> Judah
> On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 12:48 PM,  <> wrote:
>> These sort of queries are always kind of annoying.  My approach is to to
>> use an intermediate temp table, group by patient and day, and find the
>> min() appointment date.  Then join that temp table back to your
>> appointment table to pull out the rest of the information for that first
>> appointment based on the min date you found.  Keep in mind, this
>> approach ASSUMES that one patient will never have two appointments at
>> the same time on the same day.
>> This runs on SQL Server 2000.  It is a little crude, but should get the
>> point across:
>> declare @appointment table
>> (id int identity primary key,
>> patient_id int,
>> doctor varchar(50),
>> appointment_date datetime )
>> declare @first_appointment_per_day table
>> (patient_id int,
>> appointment_date datetime)
>> insert into @appointment (patient_id, doctor, appointment_date)
>>          select 1, 'McDreamy', '2009-02-24 8:00'
>> union all select 1, 'McSteamy', '2009-02-24 8:30'
>> union all select 1, 'McRib',    '2009-02-25 9:00'
>> union all select 1, 'McSteamy', '2009-02-25 11:00'
>> union all select 2, 'McDreamy', '2009-02-24 9:00'
>> union all select 2, 'McSteamy', '2009-02-24 9:30'
>> union all select 2, 'McRib',    '2009-02-25 7:00'
>> union all select 2, 'McSteamy', '2009-02-25 7:45'
>> insert into @first_appointment_per_day
>> (patient_id, appointment_date)
>> (select patient_id, min(appointment_date)
>> from @appointment
>> group by patient_id, convert(varchar(10), appointment_date, 101))
>> select app.patient_id, app.appointment_date,
>> from @first_appointment_per_day tmp1
>> inner join @appointment app on tmp1.patient_id = app.patient_id
>>        and tmp1.appointment_date = app.appointment_date
>> ~Brad
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: Semi-OT: SQL question...Select first item for each person for
>> each day
>> From: Judah McAuley <>
>> Date: Tue, February 24, 2009 1:53 pm
>> To: cf-talk <>
>>  What I need to do right now is generate a view that lists only the
>> first appointment
>> for each patient each day.

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