Hello ,

Every developer who uses Coldfusion gets addicted to it’s power !
I am one of those developers who develop apps in PHP/JSP/.NET and other 
But I always prefer CF and enjoy using it , that being said , brings the reason 
for my Question :

Why isn’t there a tool to help deploy (compile and obfuscate) coldfusion 
Cfencrypt is not secure or practical since you can decrypt and deployment is a 
Cfcompile is not secure or practical since you can decompile into servlets and 
deployment is a mess.

I agree with Jason Delmore,
"When all you want is a wiki or a blog... all you want to do is check a box and 
have it work. I think we need to make applications in general easier to 
install. No offense to Ray Camden, BlogCFC is a very cool app, but it should 
only take me 1 minute to install and I shouldn't need to understand the 
slightest bit about how the code works! Adobe, along with the community, needs 
to work on a standard method for installing and managing applications that is 
flexible enough to support all the different ways of creating applications... 
but consistent enough to just work."

as a developer i ask , what is the best practice to neatly and securely deploy 
a CF application ?
your feedback and suggestions are highly appreciated .



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