> Hello Chaps,
> We've been working on some ideas for our new reseller panel and one 
> things which really attracts me at the moment is making the panel they 
> sign-in to brand able. 

I've started so I'll finish ;-) I had an itchy trigger finger this morning.

Now in the most part a brandable panel is very simple, allowing users to change 
the colour scheme, logo and headings in the site is all no problem at all.

One thing I have seen done in other applications is the dynamic creation of a 
subdomain for each user which registers on the server, they can then access the 
login for that site from that domain, for instance, someone comes and registers 
with me, and they then have access to their branded panel through 
thiername.thinkbluemedia.co.uk and they don't have to come through our site.

Not only this but they can also mask that subdomain with their own domain such 
as control.resellersdomain.com or whatever it might happen to be making things 
even more seamless for the clients which they are reselling too.

Now I would assume that the latter part requires them to add CNAME records to 
their own DNS records and is out of my control, however, the first part is not.

How would you guys go about creating these subdomains? presumably I don't want 
to actually create records in my own domains DNS settings as these would take 
72 hours to propagate so can I perhaps do this with some type of URL rewrite? 
or perhaps a wildcard subdomain and I then use server side code CGI scope 
variables to to display the correct branding?

I'd appreciate your thoughts on this guys,


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