I'm running CF 8.0.1 on Windows 2008 server (32-bit) using a standard instance 
install (not multi-instance). I'm having a performance degradation issue when 
any of the following happens:

- ASP.NET error occurs
- editing a CF security sandbox entry

This morning, I finally tracked down the culprit - IIS application pool. In 
task manager, the OS thread count for the application pool process (w3wp.exe) 
assigned to my site starts increasing when any of those two events occur. CF 
requests either timeout or take minutes to complete; non-CF pages are served in 
a timely manner.

Overall, I'm seeing that the health of the application pool assigned to my web 
site affects CF negatively. I understand CF has its own jrun.exe process, but 
an application pool (w3wp.exe process) does come into play for CF requests. You 
can see this by viewing current requests under "Worker Processes". I know this 
means IIS is simply getting the request first and then handing off to CF. So 
what I'm experiencing is a contrast to most people saying CF and IIS 
application pools are not related. They seem to be with IIS 7 and/or CF 8.

So why is CF and IIS not playing well together when the application pool 
suffers? I've found a workaround which is to recycle the application pool. 
Afterwards, my web site is snappy again.

- Erick

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