Yeah, CF7 and CF8 both added new operators.  I tweaked it; give it
another whirl.

On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 7:36 AM, John Drake <> wrote:
>> >100% kludge, but it works:
>> >
>> >
> Nice work Barney.  Is there anything in there that requires a specific 
> version of ColdFusion?
> I can't get it to run on CF6 - I copied the code right off the page but I 
> keep getting an error that it isn't seeing the close cfscript tag and it most 
> certainly is there...
> Error:
> The start tag must have a matching end tag. An explicit end tag can be 
> provided by adding </cfscript>. If the body of the tag is empty you can use 
> the shortcut <cfscript .../>.
> The CFML compiler was processing:
>    * a cfscript tag beginning on line 12, column 2.
> The error occurred in D:\blah\blah\temp\guessgender.cfm: line 12
> 10 : <cfparam name="attributes.text" default="Tracy Smith is our finest 
> pole-vaulter. He has set many team records, and his personal best is 19' 8"". 
> Tracy's other hobbies are race cars and reading about the migration of polar 
> bears, but his real passion is fly fishing. His eight year old daughter also 
> loves fishing, and she always catches the big ones!" />
> 11 :
> 12 : <cfscript>
> 13 : function getPoints(text, words) {
> 14 : var i = "";

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