I'm trying to port from CF7 on windows to CF8 on linux. Everything was going
fine, and was working, and then something happened and it went wierd: things
which were previously working weren't.
The guys configuring the linux box can't remember what they might have done
as this happened a while ago.

When I try to include a file via a CF mapping, it not only fails to find the
file, but it doesn't throw a "file not found exception", and just includes
the index.cfm again, leading to an infinite loop.

Any ideas why it isn't picking up the CF mapping?
(The failure to throw an error, and to re-include the index.cfm is also odd,
but that appears to happen on my mac CF8 when the CF mapping doesn't exist,
so i'm not so concerned about that. I just need to get it to honour the CF


Here's my mapping, which points to the webroot:

The contents of the webroot:
[bdaw...@cfusion-tng -wvr-en-something-]$ pwd
[bdaw...@cfusion-tng -wvr-en-something-]$ ls -l
-rwxrwxrwx 1 bdawson likewise   59 Apr  2 09:53 Application.cfc
-rwxrwxrwx 1 bdawson likewise   59 Apr  2 09:53 include.cfm
-rwxrwxrwx 1 bdawson likewise  301 Apr  2 10:26 index.cfm

Application.cfc and include.cfm both contain the following:

index.cfm has:

<cfparam name="request.counter" default="0">

<cfset request.counter = request.counter + 1>

<cfif request.counter GT 3>
    <br>Aborted in #getcurrenttemplatepath()# to prevent infinite loop

    include #request.counter#: <cfinclude
    <cfcatch><cfdump var="#cfcatch.message#"></cfcatch>


And here's the output i get:



include 1:
include 2:
include 3:
Aborted in
/home/bdawson/trips/trunk/trips2/www_versions/-wvr-en-homeaway-/index.cfm to
prevent infinite loop

It looks like the file is being not found, but in stead of throwing an
exception it is including the index.cfm

If I change the cfinclude to be <cfinclude template="
testmapping1/include.cfm"> then it throws a file not found exception as

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