So, basically, the username and password is written out in plain text
in the cookie for anyone to steal. Great security.

Anyway, don't just trust the existence of the cookie - you need to log
the user in to your site with the username and password. Otherwise, I
can just manipulate my browser to set a cookie called
"mysite_loggedin" and get logged in to your site.

Read the value of the cookie from the COOKIE scope and send the
user|pass|pin to your code to log them in. Then, hope that no-one
executes a successful XSS attack on your users. Then, fire the .NET

mxAjax / CFAjax docs and other useful articles:

2009/4/2 Les Mizzell <>:
> I've got a client that's decided to try and use a .net login system
> written for one of their sites for *all* their sites, including the huge
> CF site I maintain for them.
> Looking at the .net code for this thing *really* reminds me why I like
> Coldfusion so much - sheesh, 15 or so files and a couple thousand lines
> of code to log somebody in?
> Anyway, it all comes down to the below if the login is successful:
> ----------------------------
> Response.Cookies["mysite_loggedin"].Value = user+"|"+pass+"|"+pin;
> Response.Cookies["mysite_loggedin"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(14);
> HttpCookie aCookie = new HttpCookie("mysite_loggedin");
> aCookie.Value = user+"|"+pass+"|"+pin;
> aCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(14);
> Response.Cookies.Add(aCookie);
> ----------------------------
> I'd like to be able to transfer those cookie values over to CF Session
> values, which thusly would have them counted as "logged in" on the CF
> Admin section of the CF site.
> I'm not .net literate - but could somebody point me in the right
> direction to be able to swap the .net cookes/values for CF session
> values? Ideas?

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