I think the issue is just making sure the engine doesn't make the assumption
for us. If I want it to add a month to the 30th, I want the default behavior
be that it adds a month, and doesn't assume I want the end of the next

Sure, another incrementer would be great for the couple of cases where we'd
need them, but then again we're used to sacrifice some features to ensure
the more important ones are left in.

Francois Levesque

On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 8:51 AM, Ras Tafari <rastaf...@gmail.com> wrote:

> im just saying, that BEGIN and END of month are KNOWN things...
> calculable things.
> constants if you will.  why wouldnt a constant be available as a thing
> i can know, the java
> engine should know this... i realize i can code around it, hell i can
> code around ANYTHING
> but that does NOT mean its a good thing to code around.
> right?
> On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 6:29 AM, Azadi Saryev <az...@sabai-dee.com> wrote:
> >
> > dateAdd('m', i, date1)
> > returns same DATE i months away. NOT same weekday, or same 3rd Thursday,
> or even end of month date - just same DATE i months away.
> >
> >> so, with that, id say a new incrementer of precise calendar month would
> be best.
> >
> > why, when you can easily get the desired result using other already
> available date functions?
> >
> > <cfset date1 = '11/30/2008' />
> > <cfoutput>
> >  <cfloop from=1 to=6 index=i>
> >  <cfset newdate = dateAdd('m', i, date1) />
> >  #dateFormat(createdate(year(newdate), month(newdate),
> daysinmonth(newdate)),'mm/dd/yyyy')#<br />
> >  </cfloop>
> >  </cfoutput>
> >
> >
> > Azadi Saryev
> > Sabai-dee.com
> > http://www.sabai-dee.com/
> >
> >
> >
> > Ras Tafari wrote:
> >> but the end of months is a KNOWN thing, calculated out forever, look
> >> at rainmain.
> >> with that known constant of dates, it would be easy to code it such
> >> that anything
> >> end of month that asks for a incrementer of "m" would be easy to assume
> that.
> >>
> >> so, with that, id say a new incrementer of precise calendar month would
> be best.
> >>
> >> tw
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >

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