What will happen here is that your cfc function will return the
recordset as you expect. However, the javascript that processes this
resultset for the dropdown performs its own filter - stripping out
results that don't begin with what is in the input and so the results
never show.

The widget that CF uses for the autosuggest is from YUI
(http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/autocomplete/) and is configurable so
that it can match the string in various different ways - but CF gives
no interface to those options.

If you have the time and inclination, I would invest it in getting an
auto-suggest working without the cfinput tag (ie. pure js w/ ajax).
However, I did write a handy customtag wrapper to cfinput autosuggest
that allows you to set those options:


Your useage may look something like:

<custom:betterautosuggest type="text" name="lookup"
 queryMatchContains="true" />



2009/4/16 Priya Koya <priya23...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> Sample code before I say anything about the issue..
> <cfform >
> Name:<cfinput type="text"name="lookup"
>   autosuggest="cfc:cfcName.getEMPID({cfautosuggestvalue})" ><br />
> Department:
> <cfselect name="userID" id="userID" bind="cfc:cfcName.getName({lookup})" 
> display="userID"
> value="userID"
> bindOnLoad="false" />
> </cfform>
> cfc code..
> <cfcomponent>
> <!---function to retun dept based on user name--->
>    <cffunction name="getName" access="remote" output="false"  
> returntype="query">
>        <cfargument name="route_num">
>        <cfquery name="get_bnk_name" datasource="cfdocexamples">
>            SELECT  emp_id as UserID
>            FROM Employees
>            where UCase(FirstName) =Ucase('#ARGUMENTS.route_num#')
>        </cfquery>
>       <cfreturn get_bnk_name>
>    </cffunction>
>    <!---function to retun emp name  based on entered letter--->
>    <cffunction name="getEMPID" access="remote" output="false"  
> returntype="string">
>      <cfargument name="route_num">
>        <cfquery name="get_bnk_name" datasource="cfdocexamples">
>            SELECT  FirstName,emp_id
>            FROM Employees
>            where UCase(FirstName) LIKE Ucase('%#ARGUMENTS.route_num#%')
>        </cfquery>
>  <cfreturn ValueList(getEMPID.FirstName)>
>    </cffunction>
> I am using autosugest to display the data in the text field. as started 
> keying the id and once the id selected..I get name back in the select 
> statement sucessfully.
> I am done with it But my concern is when I key in the id I should get the 
> dropdownlist in this format id-firstname.
> ex: if id is 1
>    and the repective employer name is daniel then the autosugest dropdown 
> shoud show 1-Daniel.
> I tried using something like this:
> <cffunction name="getEMPID" access="remote" output="false"  
> returntype="string">
>      <cfargument name="route_num">
>        <cfquery name="get_bnk_name" datasource="cfdocexamples">
>            SELECT  FirstName,emp_id
>            FROM Employees
>            where UCase(FirstName) LIKE Ucase('%#ARGUMENTS.route_num#%')
>        </cfquery>
> <cfset arrayName = listtoarray(ValueList(getEMPID.FirstName))>
> <cfset arrayemp_id = ListtoArray(ValueList(getEMPID.emp_id))>
> <cfset bankname=arraynew(1)>
> <cfset empName[i] = listtoarray(arrayName[i] &'-'& arrayemp_id[i])>
> <cfreturn empName>
> </cffunction>
> I would really appreciate with any suggestion.
> Thanks,
> Priya

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