IMO, your best option is going to be setting your header, footer, etc. links to 
absolute paths. 

Meaning if your application root is, then all of your primary 
links need to point to /aboutUs.cfm. The ensures that no matter how deep you 
are in the site, that link will always point to

Most every other option is going to involve parsing the URL and figuring out 
where you are relative to your root and that's going to be more of a pain than 
resetting all those links.

If you want, you can set an application variable as a placeholder for your 
application roor, i.e. <cfset application.siteRoot = "/". Then all of your 
links will look like 

[a href="#application.siteRoot#/aboutUs.cfm"]About Us[/a}

If your site root changes, just update the application variable.



> I have used the Application.cfc onRequestStart and onRequestEnd for 
> the layout of 
> my site, i.e. common header, mainnavigation and footer on all pages.
> Now the problem comes in where I have some files in a subdirectory: 
> (The 
> application.cfc is only in the root directory)
> the main navigation (siteroot\mainnav.cfm) is included in the 
> application.cfc onRequestStart, but if this is called from the 
> siteroot\subdir\somefile.cfm the links points to (e.g.) 
> siteroot\subdir\aboutUs.cfm instead of siteroot\aboutUs.cfm
> Is there a way I can reference the links relative to the included 
> template (siteroot\mainnav.cfm) instead of relative to the page I am 
> on?
> I don't want to use absolute links, because that is a lot of links I 
> will have to go and update... 
> Thanks! 

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