Output #ExpandPath('/images/consumer/#Cnsmr_ProductIMAGE#) to see where
you're pointing to, it'll be wrong.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Fawzi Amadu [mailto:abd...@gmail.com]
> Sent: 20 April 2009 17:43
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: CFIMAGE - File referencing
> I have my images for my project under the webroot folder in the e-dang
> folder under the image folder and in the consumer folder i.e.
> (wwwroot/e-dang/images/comsumer).
> But when I reference the file within my code (below), I realize in the
> error report that the path returned by coldfusion is missing the
> project folder name. Is this usual or does it mean that I got the
> referencing wrong?
> Here is a portion of the error report (NOTE - e-dang is missing from
> the image path):
> An exception occurred while trying to read the image.
> File C:\ColdFusion8\wwwroot\images\consumer\DSC_0515_thumb.jpg does not
> exist.
> The error occurred in C:\ColdFusion8\wwwroot\e-
> dang\process_simpleSearchResults.cfm: line 53
> Here is the code:
> <td width="10%"><!--- creating a resized version of uploaded image of
> product. --->
> <cfimage source="#ExpandPath('/images/consumer/#Cnsmr_ProductIMAGE#'
> )#" action="resize" width="100" height="60" name="resizedImg" format=
> "jpg">
> <cfimage source="#resizedImg#" action="writeToBrowser"><!---img
> src="images/consumer/#Cnsmr_ProductIMAGE#"---></font></td>
>     <td width="90%"><font size="+2">#Cnsmr_ProductDESCRIPTION#
> </font>&nbsp; <font size="+2"><a
> href="showProductDetail.cfm?Cnsmr_ProductID=#URLEncodedFormat(TRIM(Cnsm
> r_ProductID))#">#Cnsmr_ProductMODELNo# </font>&nbsp;</a>
>                       <font size="+2">#Cnsmr_ProductMODELYEAR#
> </font>&nbsp;  <font size="+2">#Cnsmr_ProductPRICE#</font>&nbsp; <font
> size="+2">#User_id#</font>

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