I have an app that currently authenticates against an AD and I'm updating it to 
also look in a database for users as well.  My code currently is as follows:

        <cfif IsDefined("Form.task") and Form.task eq "login">
        <cfset theusername="#Form.strUsername#">
        <cfset thepassword="#Form.strPassword#">
        <cfset thedomain="****">
        <!--- authenticate against the AD --->
        <cfntauthenticate username="#theusername#" password="#thepassword#"
            domain="#thedomain#" result="authresult" listgroups="no">
        <!--- authenticate against the database --->
        <cfquery name="loginCheck" datasource="#Application.dsn#">
          select role, needPasswordReset
            from v_users
            where oprid = '#theusername#' and password = 
            and isInactive is null
        <!--- if either the AD or the database validates the user creds, 
then... --->
        <cfif (authresult.auth) or (loginCheck.recordcount gt 0)>
                <!--- check to see if the authenticated user exists in the 
database --->
                <cfquery name="getUserInfo" datasource="#Application.dsn#">
                select role from v_users where oprid = '#theusername#' and 
isInactive is null;
          <cfif getUserInfo.recordcount gt 0>
                  <cfloginuser name="#theusername#" password="#thepassword#" 
            <cfset session.username = GetAuthUser() >
            <cfset session.userrole = GetUserRoles() >
            <!--- redirect the user if they need to reset their password --->
            <cfif loginCheck.needPasswordReset eq 1>
myFusebox.relocate(url="./?fuseaction=m.passwordupdform") />

Right now as it is written I'm still able to log in normally via AD.  If I use 
a database user, the code will run but getAuthUser() will return a blank.  I 
even stripped out the CFNTAuthenticate and ran it with just the database 
validation but cfloginuser wouldn't run for me.  Has anyone seen this before?


 - Joe 

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