thanks will try this out...

>isValid("email", emailaddr) will tell you if it's a correctly formed email
>address, but not if it actually exists. 
>This udf will check that a mailbox exists. Haven't tried it myself yet:
>HI everybody am using cfmail with the code below.. my problem is with the
>query that get's all email addresses. If an email address is valid it goes
>if at one point emailaddress is not valid it gives an error. is there a way
>with my code to test valid email addresses or better then if there is a way
>that i could check which emails just went thru or not?
><CFMAIL        QUERY="GetList"
>               SERVER="" 
>               SUBJECT="subject"
>               FROM="""press service"" <>"
>               TO="""#Trim(Name)# #Trim(Fname)#"" <#Trim(emailaddr)#>"
>               TYPE="HTML"  >          
><cfinclude template="pubSSMailDesign.cfm"> </CFMAIL>
>thanks for any help 

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