I am currently trying to use the <cfx_imsmail> tag (custom tag available using 
inFusion Mail Server) and I have a question which I hope can be easily answered.

I want to use the cfx_imsmail tag to replace a cfmail tag that uses a query 
attribute.  I am using the query and queryfield attributes to automatically 
loop the same query.  My problem is that while inside an attribute of the 
cfx_imsmail tag, my <cfset> tags seem to be ignored.  I want to put in place 
some link tracking logic and also a <cfinclude> tag that calls a dynamic 
template name.  I have tried to set up this data in a token_emailbody 
attribute, directly in the body attribute, and also directly in the html 
attribute, but nothing seems to work for me.  

a dumbed-down code snippet is attached below:

                        <!--- tracking logic here --->
                        <cfset ...>
                <!--- dynamic include here --->
                <cfinclude template='...'>
                        <!--- extra cfinvoke where I am erroring --->
                        <cfset var.myvariable = 'blah blah' ) >
                        <cfinvoke component='my_component' method='do_this' >
                                <cfinvokeargument name='this_argument' 
value='#var. myvariable#' />

Please note that the data contained in the html attribute of the cfx_imsmail 
tag in the above code example was taken directly from between the opening and 
closing <cfmail> tags that I'm trying to replace.  The cfmail tag works without 
any problems at all times.

I keep getting an error on line 57 stating that a variable is undefined, even 
though I have the variable being defined on line 54. This leads me to believe 
that the <cfset> I am using is not being executed.  Is there anything I can do 
to get my <cfset> to behave properly while inside of the cfx_imsmail tag?

I have had success looping the cfx_imsmail tag for my query, replacing query 
and queryfield attributes with the smtpto attribute, and using a cfsavecontent 
tag before the cfx_imsmail tag to build the content for the html attribute.  I 
do not want to do it this way, as this is far less efficient than using the 
query and queryfield attributes. 

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