Uncle Ben has a tute on that here:


On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 1:23 PM, Les Mizzell <lesm...@bellsouth.net> wrote:

> For a select box (simplified):
> <select name="catID" id="select">
>   <cfloop query="getCATS">
>       <option value="#getCATS.catID#">#getCATS.catNAME#</option>
>   </cfloop>
> </select>
> I need to display additional info for each selection when the selection
> is made - before the form is submitted.
> So if you've got
>  Record 1
>  Record 2
>  Record 3
> ...and somebody selects "Record 2" - I need the contents of an
> additional field ("cat_comments") to immediately display under the
> select before the form is submitted...
> Still scratching my head. Can somebody point me in the correct direction
> to pull this off?

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