Well as you loop on the 0, 1, 2, spitting out 0|0, 1|1, 2|2, etc...

Why not, before the loop, create a variable, and do a ListAppend on it 
each time?


<cfset listVar = ''>
<cfloop from="0" to="20" step="i">
<cfset sidewalls_Quantity[i] = new Array()>
<cfset thisValue = "#i#|#i#">
<cfset listVar = ListAppend(listVar, thisValue)>
<cfloop list="#listVar#" index="lv">
<cfset sidewalls_Quantity[i] = ArrayAppend(sidewalls_Quantity[i], lv)>

Just slapped that together so it may not be 100%, but you get the idea - 
as you step from 0-20, keep adding your pipe-separated pairs to a list, 
and loop over that list each interaction and build up your array.

Or you might be able to just dump the each-iteration-added-to "listVar" 
right into your new array position each loop. *shrug*

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