> I'm guessing that the API is technology neutral (Java, PHP, CF, etc.) since
> it accepts WSDL/SOAP requests. Is this accurate?

Yes, although CF's default web services interface is a little too
simple to do everything you need directly. That said, you can do it
all from CF; I'm giving a presentation on how to do this in about five
minutes here at cf.Objective. The URL for the presentation is here:


Code samples will follow soon.

Basically, the big problems are:
- you have to use SOAP headers (not really a big problem),
- you have to dynamically change the endpoint (this isn't a big
problem once you figure out how to do it,
- you have to use the Java stub classes to create new records, etc

> I'm also weighing a build or buy decision with regard to a data connector
> between Salesforce and our ERP system (Pervasive SQL database). If I have a
> working knowledge of SSIS, do I really need to spend the money for a
> connector?

Probably not, but it's a question of how much time you want to sink
into it as well.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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