On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 11:00 AM, Wil Genovese <jugg...@visi.com> wrote:

> Steven,
> These days starting and stopping PostgreSQL 8.3 on Redhat type linux
> is as simple as
> $ service postgresql {start|stop|restart|initdb|.....}
> Wil Genovese
> One man with courage makes a majority.
> -Andrew Jackson

Right, when Postgres is installed as a package during the OS installation or
later installed as an RPM then its automatically available for use with the
service command.  My blog entry was more about building postgres from
source, because at the time I couldn't find a current version of Postgres as
an RPM.  Installing from source lacks some of the conveniences you get when
installed from RPM.

Steven Erat
Webapper Services, LLC.

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