You could just use a cfinclude if a custom tag is too confusing.

mxAjax / CFAjax docs and other useful articles:

2009/5/19 mike pop <>:
> i've never used many custom tags before but I am currently tasked to take a 
> dreamweaver HTML site using 4 navigation links and convert this into a site 
> using a cold fusion custom tag for the navigation and content.
> the 4 navigation links go to different subdirectories and different files 
> (right now they are HTML files).
> I've seen a few tutorials on using custom tags with the thistag.executionmode 
> but I am very confused as to how to convert this dreamweaver navigation with 
> 4 links into a cold fusion custom tag navigation system.
> I can't seem to find any examples or tutorials on this specific task.  The 
> user clicks a link and is redirected to a page. I just dont understand how to 
> use a custom tag to complete this objective.
> Please help me.

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