Just let me start with saying that I'm loving using Windows 7...stable,
slick, *all* my software runs
so much better than in XP (never did used Vista...skipped that

One issue is really getting on my nerds...whenever I try to run the same
code that I've used for
years and just recently before switching over to Windows 7 for uploading a
new image, creating
the various version I need, then deleting the original image, I get errors
that CF can't delete
the image for some "unknown reason."  Someone using Win 7 came up with a
the image name in a database then running a scheduled task to delete later.
It works, but that is
a lot of extra coding, processing, etc.  I was willing to go that route, if
necessary, but...

Now, I run into the fact that I can't immediately rename a file I just
uploaded.  I'm thinking this is the same
basic issue as with deleting...Windows 7, perhaps with CF 8, is somehow
locking down the file for
a period of time (it usually with release control after a little time
passes...seconds to minutes)
until it allows the file to be deleted or changed.

Saving an original, *unused* file's name to a db for scheduled deletion
would work...a lot of trouble, but it would work.
Preventing me from renaming a file immediately is a no-go.  (Perhaps I can
copy the file and then rename the

Is there anyone testing or working on Windows 7 that has run into these
issues (basically one issue) and
figured out what's going on and if there is a solution?  It's not a problem
with the code code...it's the same exact code
I was previously running on XP and CF 8...only the OS has changed.

I couldn't find anything on Google or other search engines, etc., that
addresses this.

Anyone have any ideas?



"Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad
reputation."  Henry Kissinger

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