OK, I answered part of my own question.  The RTF output has a empty
box placed over the image for some reason (I mistakenly thought that
was its attempt to show the image).  Now to figure out how to have it
not show that box.

On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 9:08 AM, Jim Wright <wright...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a cfreport that needs to have images in the footer.  The images
> are working fine if I output the report in PDF or Flashpaper, but
> don't show up in RTF or Excel (RTF is the needed output).  Things I've
> tried:
> -using URLs, file paths, and blobs from the db...same result with each
> -using jpeg and gif as the source image...same result
> This is on a Win2003 CF8 Ent box.
> Any ideas?  Anybody use cfreport?

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