@ Jason

>Are there Ajax or iframe calls or something that could be making 
>updates to that session var for that user at the same time in a 
>situation where the order of execution could cause an unexpected value 
>to be read back out by the server?  


>To me, it just seems that you almost need to prove out that your 
>application is likely to allow a true race condition before locking 
>every call.  

Acknowledged. My (admittedly conservative) approach is to prove that the app 
_doesn't_ need locking rather than the reverse. Don't get me wrong, I'm all in 
favour of eliminating both the extra coding burden as well as the overhead. 
That said, the docs seem to lean towards locking when in doubt... that and the 
fact I've had the whole locking religion hammered home relentlessly over the 
years. It may take me a while to get with the new program.  ;-)

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