
I have query which joins together four tables, in my output i use group to 
display the correct information to the screen.

The query returns around 42 records of which 13 are being displayed to the 
screen, code below; (i'll tidy up .* when i get it working)

My question is how to do next and previous, my normal method falls short, 
because of the grouping as it uses the record count of the query to know where 
it is. 

I have had a look around for some examples, with no luck so far. If any one can 
pint me in the right direction - thank you.

<cfquery name="get_global_products" datasource="#application.dsn#">
SELECT wp_products.*, gp_product_templates.*, wa_websites.*, wp_images.*
FROM ((gp_product_templates INNER JOIN wp_products ON 
gp_product_templates.gp_id = wp_products.wp_product_template_id) INNER JOIN 
wa_websites ON wp_products.wp_product_web_id = wa_websites.wa_websiteID) LEFT 
JOIN wp_images ON wp_products.wp_products_id = wp_images.wp_gp_product_id
WHERE wp_product_web_id = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" 

<cfoutput query="get_global_products" group="gp_name"></cfoutput>

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