If you are looping over the query with a cfoutput tag, you can specify the 
startRow and maxRows attribute to make pagination easy.  That actually 
modify the query object though.

The easiest way to pare down a result set is with a query of queries which 
lets you run SQL commands against a query object in memory.  The trick is 
you need to have a column that represents the row numbers for you.  So, 
assuming one of the columns in your resultset is rowNumber which contains 
1 - 500, you could do this:

<cfquery dbtype="query" name="youOriginalQueryName">
    SELECT *
    FROM youOriginalQueryName
    WHERE rowNumber > 50 and rowNumber <= 100

or alternatively:

<cfquery dbtype="query" name="youOriginalQueryName" maxrows="50">
    SELECT *
    FROM youOriginalQueryName
    WHERE rowNumber > 50

Note, those cfquerys do NOT run anything against the database.

Alternatively, if you REALLY want, you can loop over the result set manually 
and build a new result set with CF's query functions.

qryNewQuery = queryNew(#qryOrigQuery.columnList#);
i = 0;
startRow = 1;
endRow = 50;

while (++i <= qryOrigQuery.recordcount)
        if(i >= startRow && i < endRow)
                c = 0;
                while (++c <=  listLen(qryOrigQuery.columnList))

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chad Gray" <cg...@careyweb.com>
To: "cf-talk" <cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2009 10:07 AM
Subject: reducing a query result

> Say I have a query returned with 500 records.
> Is there a way in CF (not SQL) to reduce the query to only rows 1-50, 
> 51-100 etc?
> I talking physically reducing the query object.

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