Eh sorry my webmail sucks, lets see if this one comes through formatted better.
I just fired up Tomcat and tried getTickCount() on all 3 CFML engines within a 
second or two of each other.

OpenBD:  276282
Railo:  1244157288529
cfusion:  1244157287685

date "+%s" on my linux box gives me 1244157286 so it looks like cfusion
and Railo do indeed return milliseconds since the epoch. This may not
have always been the case, hence the fuzzy documentation.


From: Peter Boughton 
Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2009 4:43 PM
To: cf-talk 
Subject: Re: Generating appopriate transaction IDs 

> it resets back to 1 every time the server restarts.


I was under the impression it was number of milliseconds since the unix epoch 

Certainly that's what Railo is returning, and no resetting after restart there.
I'm 99% certain that CF7 acts in the same way.

The CF docs are a bit vague/contradictory on it though:

Description - Returns the current value of an internal millisecond timer.
Returns - A string representation of the system time, in milliseconds.
Usage - The value of the counter has no meaning.

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