<cfset twitterObj.postToTwitter(FORM.twittMessage)>


> -----Original Message-----
> From: nikoo m [mailto:nikou...@yahoo.com]
> Sent: 09 June 2009 19:40
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Send a textbox value to an object
> I have an object in ColdFusion that post message to twitter. It works
> well when I write my message in “  “ like line below.
> <cfset  twitterObj.postToTwitter "My Message" />
> But I need to have a textbox, and type my message in textbox. I’m not
> sure how can get my textbox value here instead of this message,
> every think I tried give me an error. Can anybody help?
> This is my code.
> <BODY>
> <form action="Form.cfm" method="post">
> <input type="text" name="twittMessage">
> <input type="Submit" name="SubmitForm" value="Submit to Twitter">
> <cfif IsDefined("Form.twittMessage")>
> <br>
> <cfoutput>Your message postet to twitter</cfoutput>
> </cfif>
> </form>
>   <!--- call the init() method  --->
> <cfset twitterObj = createObject('component', 'twitterCFC').init
> ('username','password') />
> <!--- Post to twitter --->
> ********************************************************************
> //here is problem - How I can get the value of textbox here instead of
> ("My message to poet is here")
> for example I thought it's Form.twittMessage but it doesn’t work.
> *********************************************************************
> <cfset  twitterObj.postToTwitter ("My message to poet is here")/>

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