You guys are all being very helpful,  as always.   This is good stuff
and it's helping me work out possibilities.

@Mike Dawson:  thanks Mike, directly accessing the NIC wont work in
this case because we wont have all these devices on the same premises.
  They'll be too remote for a single network.    Depending on how the
project develops once it's launched,  there could be devices all over
the country.   I dont think you can connect on a single network that
far can you  and therefore be able to access the NICs directly?  I
think it will require internet if we're to keep it low cost?

@Ryan LeTulle:  yes i think thats a certainty.    That way we send the
absolute minimum of data down the line and use the programmign inside
the printer to format it and make it look pretty for the user.   It's
a fairly straightforward process to have templates stored in laser
printer memory and overlaid with all kinds of fonts, graphics, logos,
shading etc  so a small amount of data prints up as quite a complex
page.   And you can manipulate those templates remotely too.   I did
that for several years before i started building web sites.

@Ian Skinner:  Thanks Ian, that's really the nub of the discussion at
our end - how are we going to connect the print devices?

I have a background in programming laser printers - that's what i did
for a living before getting into web development.   so i have no
problem taking text and converting it using PCL or PostScript or other
language formats so it produces pretty print from a tiny ASCII text

But the issue for us is how to connect these devices?

If we connect them to the internet,   there's a modem and phone line
and connection to pay for.   If we use a wifi connection we can
probably do a deal for many of the little dongles and get the cost of
that down, but then cell phone coverage is great in the cities but
pretty flaky in a lot of areas outside the cities.  Most of these
locations have a fax, so another option would be to connect our device
to that somehow,   rather in the way the answering machines pass faxes
through and snag people talking

I'm kind of hoping someone is going to say "why dont you .... " and
suggest one of those 'slap the forehead'-'why the hell didn't *I*
think of that!" ideas.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 12:59 AM, Ian Skinner<> wrote:
> What is the nature of the connection between the server and these printers?  
> Will they be on the same LAN or WAN or are they only going to be accessible 
> over the internet?
> If the former, many modern network printers have the capability to be sent 
> print jobs to their IP address.  Thus I would suggest digging up the 
> specifications of these printers and see what options they may be exposing 
> for you.
> Ian

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