Peter, awesome, as you correctly pointed it out, the complex data type was the 
culprit, problem resolved.

Also, good catch on the function inside the loop, I've set up a flag to ensure 
it runs only once, so, that's ok; also initially thought the cf8 engine would 
run it only once but that could be totally wrong for expecting too much from 

Many thanks.


>Don, the problem is that you are trying to output a complex object as a string.
>You need to do one of:
>- use cfdump to have CF display your query as HTML;
>- manually convert your query to a string;
>- extract the appropriate fields and output those instead;
>- change the function to return a string instead;
>Also note that you do not need/want to put the function inside the loop.
>For example, I suspect this code is closer to what you want to do:
>(note how the function returntype and cfreturn have changed)
><cffunction name="getProduct" access="public" output="no" returnType="string">
>       <cfargument name="id" type="numeric" required="yes">
>       <cfset var data = "">
>       <cfquery name="data" datasource="myDSN">
>               SELECT pname
>               FROM product
>               where id= <cfqueryparam value="" 
> cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer"/>
>       </cfquery>
>       <cfreturn data.pname >
> </cffunction>
><cfoutput query="myQuery">
>       <cfif conditionX eq 1>
>               #getProduct(3)#
>       </cfif>

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