Peter Boughton wrote:
> It's failing because it's expecting 

Finally got it to work:


Now if I've got my head around this correctly, and the logic flow I've 
already charted out is correct - I can run the entire site from this one 
rule, which all gets processed through a "sorta-fusebox" index page.

I've got the above mapped to "var1", "var2" and "var3", all which can 
have different roles depending on the preceding variable. So, if "var1" 
is "Newsletters", then "var2" would be a specific date and "var3" would 
be the title "My-Great-financial-news" or whatever. If "var1" is 
something else, the roles of 2 and 3 change accordlingly. Cool beans.

Think I'll take a nap before I start on that task though...

Thanks for the advice and replies!

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