Not sure it's how I'd write a rating widget, but here's a fairly direct 

(Untested, so may contain stupid bugs.)

<cffunction name="in_range" returntype="Numeric" output="false">
        <cfargument name="Val"  type="Numeric" />
        <cfargument name="From" type="Numeric" default="0" />
        <cfargument name="To"   type="Numeric" default="100" />

        <cfreturn min( Arguments.To , max( Arguments.From , Arguments.Val ) ) />

<cffunction name="get_dbfile" returntype="string" output="false">
        <!--- I *think* __FILE__ from original is a global constant... not 
really sure? I've plonked it into Application --->
        <cfreturn rereplace( Application.File , '\.php$' , '.dat' ) />

<cffunction name="get_votes" returntype="Struct" output="false">
        <cfset var dbfile = get_dbfile() />
        <cfif FileExists(dbfile)>
                <cfreturn deserializeJson( FileRead(dbfile) )/>
                <cfreturn { votes : 0 , sum : 0 , avg : 0 } />

<cffunction name="save_vote" returntype="Struct" output="false">
        <cfargument name="Vote" type="Numeric" />

                var db = get_votes() ;
                db.votes++ ;
                db.sum += Arguments.Vote ;
                db.avg = round( 100 * db.sum / db.votes ) / 100 ;
                FileWrite( get_dbfile() , serializeJson( db ) ) ;

        <cfreturn db />

That needs CF8 or Railo 3.

If you've got Railo, you can do serialize/deserialize without using JSON, and 
also use the terniary if operator (as the PHP version does).

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