>When you hook up a web service in CF Admin how do you access it in your CFM >pages?
you can do it without defining it, and CF will do that part automagically for you here is some code calling one of our products web services.. I did a createobject cause I have lots of functions to process.. <code> <cfset this.server="sharepoint"> <cfset this.wsdl_path="/UDSM_R11_webservice/wsdl/webserviceapi.wsdl"> .. .. wsparm = StructNew(); wsparm["refreshWSDL"]="no"; wsparm["saveJava"]="no"; wsparm["wsdl2javaArgs"]="-p com.ca.dsm.webservice"; wsparm["port"]="DSMWebServiceAPIService"; if(arguments.server eq "") arguments.server=this.server; this.ws=CreateObject("webservice","http://"& arguments.server & this.wsdl_path,wsparm); this.server=arguments.server; </code> and then when I invoke the methods on the object <code> <cfset this.session = this.ws.Login(arguments.user,arguments.password,arguments.domain)> </code> Sam ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of Fusion mailing lists Archive: http://www.houseoffusion.com/groups/cf-talk/message.cfm/messageid:324021 Subscription: http://www.houseoffusion.com/groups/cf-talk/subscribe.cfm Unsubscribe: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/unsubscribe.cfm?user=89.70.4